🏗️Installation & Building


Installation consists of a single executable file. Head to the releases page on GitHub, and download the compressed file relevant for your OS and architecture; then extract it with a 7-zip compatible client.

If there are no files for your OS/arch, look into building it yourself, see below.

Either way, you'll have a single binary (albeit a little bulky). Take it for a walk!

Supported platforms

These are platforms for which I'll provide binaries at the time of the release.

If you have access to an unsupported architecture, and would like to contribute the binary, please write me (oss /AT/ germanorizzo /DOT/ it).

Building & Testing

Main app

Pupcloud is a Go(lang) program, that uses Go 1.18 and CGO (for a dependency). If you are not familiar with this, please read a guide on compiling with CGO; the Go toolset makes it very convenient, but there are some prerequisites.

  • Go 1.18

  • Make

  • A compile toolchain (e.g. GCC)

I included a Make file to script the building under Linux/MacOS, so if you have all the prerequisites it should be a matter of:

git clone https://github.com/proofrock/pupcloud
cd pupcloud
make build # or build-static
# You will find the binary in the bin/ directory.

For MacOS replace Line 3 with:

make build

For Windows, instead of the step at Line 3 do:

cd src
go build

The sources include a precompiled version of the Web UI.

Web UI

If you want to rebuild the Web UI, you'll need also to install NodeJS and NPM. Then the command to use is:

make build-ui

This will build it and also copy the result to the proper directory where a make build will look for it and generate the binary.

Last updated