
Going back to this snippet of the configuration file:

  schedule: 0 0 * * *
  doVacuum: true
  doBackup: true
  backupTemplate: ~/first_%s.db
  numFiles: 3

The maintenance node represent the structure that tells ws4sqlite to provide scheduled maintenance. This means, a VACUUM or a backup - or both.


Line 2; string; mandatory

Cron-like string, standard 5-fields (no seconds). See documentation for more details.


Line 3; boolean

If present and set to true, performs a VACUUM on the database.


Line 4; boolean

If present and set to true, takes a snapshot of the database.

If doVacuum is also true, the backup is taken after the VACUUM.

The backup is created with the VACUUM INTO... command.

The following parameters tell ws4sqlite how to manage the backup(s).


Line 5; string; mandatory if doBackup is TRUE

Path of the backup files. It must contain a single %s that will be replaced with the minute of the backup, in yyyyMMdd-HHmm format. For example:

../myFile_%s.db will be generated as ../myFile_20220127-1330.db

~ is expanded to the user's home directory path.


Line 6; number; mandatory if doBackup is TRUE

Indicates how many files to keep for each database. After the limit is reached, the files rotate, with the least recent files being deleted.

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