
Official docker image available, for x86_64 (amd64), arm and arm64 (aarch64). See DockerHub's page for instructions.

Docker image

The image is based on Alpine. It's a multiarch image for amd64, ARM and ARM64.

Here are the relevant configurations:


Exposed port

-p xxxx:17178

Fixed; remap it with -p

Config dir

-v [...]:/data

Fixed; remap it with -v


-e PUID=1001

If not specified, 1000


-e PGID=1001

If not specified, 1000

Environment variables can be used to configure the various aspects of Pupcloud.


-e PUP_TITLE="PupWow"

Title of the window


Follow symlinks when traversing directories


The max size of an upload, in MiB


The main access password, if desired. Use --pwd-hash for a safer alternative

-e PUP_PWD_HASH=5302bf

SHA256 hash of the main access password, if desired


Disallow all changes to FS


The port of the sharing interface

-e PUP_SHARE_PREFIX=http://localhost:12345

The base URL of the sharing interface

-e PUP_SHARE_PROFILES=k1:v1,k2:v2

Profiles for sharing, in the form name:secret

See Running Pupcloud for more info, and other variables (use with caution, the ones listed here are the "safe" ones).


docker run -d \
 --restart=unless-stopped \
 --name=pupcloud \
 -p 8080:17178 \
 -v /mnt/DockerHome/myDir:/data \
 -e PUID=1001 \
 -e PGID=1001 \
 -e PUP_TITLE="MyPupCloud!" \

This command will install and run pupcloud, configuring it to:

  • Use port 8080 (Line 4);

  • Map a local dir to path /data in the docker environment (Line 5);

  • Run the server as user/group 1001:1001 (Lines 6-7);

  • Set the title (Line 8).

The rest of the lines in this example are standard Docker.

If you specify PUP_FOLLOW_SYMLINKS, please be aware that the links are resolved in the docker container, so the feature won't probably work. Use multiple bind/mounts inside /data instead.

Last updated