Basic Usage
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Last updated
This is a breadcrumb, it allows to navigate in directories. On mobile, it is collapsed with a dropdown.
The ../
directory allows to go back one level. Only available if you're not already in root dir.
Clicking on the icon:
For directories, it changes the directory;
For files, brings you to the preview screen.
Clicking on the hamburger (menu) icon brings you to the details panel.
When a file is cut or copied (see details panel), these two icons will be shown, allowing to paste it or to cancel the operation.
New Folder.
File upload.
Open the sharing dialog for the current folder.
Reloads the file list.
Changes the view from grid to list, and vice-versa.
Sort mode. Allows to choose:
Alphabetical (ascending or descending)
By date (ascending or descending)
By size (ascending or descending)
Data about the file.
Cut/Copy commands.
Rename the file.
Delete the file.
1 And 2 go through the files, displaying their preview if they are supported. You can also use the arrow keys on the keyboard; on mobile, you can swipe with your finger.
3 Allows to download a file.
4 Closes the screen and goes back to the file manager.
5 Clicking on an image will enlarge it, cycling through full screen (still possible to use arrow keys/swipe) and full size.
In the file system view, you can click on a file to open it. Currently pupcloud supports:
Images, Audio, Video (when supported by the browser)
PDF documents (for desktop browsers)
Text-like files (txt, html, sources...)
Detection of file types is done by mime type, and viewing relies on the browser's capabilities.